Nicole's Evolution in Fashion....
Ever since Nicole Richie turned her life around, I began to really admire her. Especially her style, I think she has improved a lot. And in terms of behavior or attitude, she can now even inspire other people to change for the better. Anyway, I cannot dwell so much on Nicole’s reformed behavior. Some would claim that she is still a bad girl while others would contend that she has indeed changed.
Oh well, what I’m sure of is that her sense of fashion has not only become acceptable but also remarkable. Nicole may not be a model or a client of the red carpet, but she has a way of dressing that can be appealing to others. Some of her gowns maybe a flop but it is her regular or casual wears that appeals to me the most.
With her pics, one can say that pregnancy and giving birth to Harlow Winter has been a blessing to Nicole Richie. Before, everybody raised their brow when Nicole announced that she is pregnant. Of course who would have thought that Nicole can become so good at parenthood? She was well known before as the best friend (like BFFs!?!) of Paris Hilton. She was a party girl and one can clearly see that her life is wasted. She talks trash and loves to say bad words and even got arrested for DUI (Driving Under the Influence).

Oh well, what I’m sure of is that her sense of fashion has not only become acceptable but also remarkable. Nicole may not be a model or a client of the red carpet, but she has a way of dressing that can be appealing to others. Some of her gowns maybe a flop but it is her regular or casual wears that appeals to me the most.



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